Support Us

Donations, grants, sponsorship and Library Lovers memberships are welcomed to support Central Library to undertake valuable conservation work, run more community events, programme more live concerts, hold more author readings, put on more film screenings and host more exhibitions in a transformed venue fit for the 21st century.

Individual Support

Love Manchester Central Library?

Become a Library Lover and enjoy a great range of benefits while supporting our valuable work. Join our Library Lovers scheme and you’ll enjoy invites to events, previews and discounts in our cafe and shop whilst supporting the work of Central Library.

All new members receive a free fine-art print featuring E. Wigglesworth’s celebrated 1934 art deco image of Central Library and St Peter’s Square. Your support will help Manchester Libraries host more community events, live concerts, author readings, film screenings and exhibitions.

What does it cost?

There are a number of different single and joint packages available:

  • Single – £48
  • Joint – £60
  • Single concession* – £30
  • Joint concession* – £42

*Students, unwaged, over 60

How to join or renew membership

Join or renew online or download a leaflet to join and post or hand in a completed form to the Library. You can also pick up a printed leaflet in person from Central Library or email [email protected] for more information.

Alternatively, you can make a one off donation

If you would like to fundraise for us please visit our Just Giving page

Why We Need Your Support

We raise funds to enable the programming of more events and activities at Central Library, such as extending opening hours for cultural events like family Sunday Fundays.

We are also passionate about supporting the outreach work of Central Library and funds are used to help develop engagement programmes and events for all sections of the community in branch libraries (Creative Spaces).

Manchester Libraries Trust is a UK registered charity (no.1150161) established to help the venue extend its range of services, such as cultural and educational activities.


Your Will represents one of the most personal statements you can make about what’s been important in your life. Leaving a gift in your will to Manchester Libraries Trust will help us to continue to deliver a wide range of cultural and educational engagement activities in Manchester Central Library and our branch libraries, improving people’s lives and inspiring the next generation of readers, thinkers and creators.

How to leave a legacy

Leaving a gift in your will is an effective lasting contribution without any immediate outlay. Legacies left to Manchester Libraries Trust are free from inheritance tax, which means a it could result in your tax bill being reduced. 

As your will is a legal document, we recommend that you discuss your wishes with a solicitor when drawing it up or amending it.

Please donate all legacy gifts to Manchester Libraries Trust, registered charity number 1150161.

Let us know

If you are considering leaving a legacy gift, or you would like to let us know that you have already included a gift in your will, please email us

Your gift, whatever the size, will make a real difference. Thank you.

Gift Aid

Gift Aid is a way that the Manchester Central Library Development Trust (registered charity number 1150161) can increase the value of gifts of money we receive from UK taxpayers. It allows us to claim back 25p for every £1 donated. With Gift Aid a donation of £100 is actually worth £125. If you are a UK taxpayer all you need to do is complete and return a form with a cheque donation. Or, when making online donations complete the Gift Aid section when prompted.